
Just Featured on Houzz: Stacy Weiss' Art Filled Loft

Stacy Weiss was just looking for a rental while trying to find something new to renovate when she stumbled upon an open space with tall ceilings and whitewashed bricks in the rapidly developing East End neighborhood of Pittsburgh. The new space allowed her to carry over everything from her previous home and arrange it all in a new, more loft-friendly way. With tall ceilings and vast, white-painted expanses, Stacy created an eclectic gallery filled with vintage and contemporary art. Her carefully chosen pieces of vintage and modern furniture play well with the art and the overall look is unique and reflective of Stacy's taste and personality that is also evident at Weisshouse. Read the complete feature compiled by Houzz contributor and photographer, Adrienne DeRosa here.

Source: Houzz.com

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